
2022 Review!!!

2022 is ending and the balance is very positive. It was another year in which I was able to do what is my passion, music. There were several concerts, record recordings, workshops, formations, and even the composition and arrangement of…

New CD Coming Out – Recording

In this week I was recording a new cd with my group, Bruno Santos (guitar); Demian Cabaud (bass) and André Sousa Machado (drums). With many fresh and new music and with a very special guest, the great saxophone player Miguel Zenón….

New CD “Interchange”

10 of February it’s a big day. My new CD comes out and have a special guest, the saxophonist Miguel Zenón. I’m very happy.  #cesarcardoso #brunosantos #demiancabaud #andresousamachado #miguelzenon #interchange

César Cardoso, todos os direitos reservados